
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Determine How A Long Island Orthopedic Surgeon Can Alleviate Back Pain

By Lilia Slaybaugh

Most people will experience back ache at some stage in their lifetime. The pain can range from moderate to severe and make it virtually impossible to engage in regular activities. The Long Island orthopedic surgeon advises on the steps that should be taken to alleviate back pain and live fully functioning lives without restrictions.

A balanced and healthy spine can prevent the development of painful symptoms. The spine is an important structure that consists of nerves, muscles, tissues, and joints that all function together to deliver smooth and flexible performance. With age comes degeneration, spinal injury, repetitive stress, and a lack of support while lifting objects can cause limited motion.

The development of back ache that fails to diminish with time can indicate injury to the disks. General wear and tear can result in worn disks or the herniated disk that results from a leaking nucleus and causes nerve irritation. Movements including bends, twists, lifts, and pull can all result in the development of severe injuries.

The surgeon will require a physical examination to determine whether the pain is a result of spinal misalignment, disk injuries or muscle spasms. Severe symptoms may require X-rays to detect the source for the discomfort. A rehabilitation program will be developed based on the test results.

For swelling, it is best to apply an ice pack including physical therapy to facilitate mobility. The development of an exercise program will be based on facilitating muscle strength and preventing the possibility of injuries. Orthotic devices including back braces can be worn to minimize movement and stabilize the joints and tissues.

The Long Island orthopedic surgeon can assist in advising on rehabilitation for injury and chronic conditions. When regular intervention does not deliver the desired result, surgery may be advised to determine the cause for strain. The severity of damages can be assisted with the appropriate measures to facilitate flexibility.

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