
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Decline of the EU budget: dear States where are your ambitions for Europe? !

There was a time when it was said : " The king is dead Long live the king ! "

It is in the same vein as conservative fit the great tragedies of European nations on the European budget .

For the first time in its history - under the last treaty - the European Parliament could move away from " traditional " to die without Europe , on the contrary . But the majority of political forces ( conservatives, socialists and liberals) were well guarded to break with this tradition by adopting the financial framework of the seven proposed by European governments coming years.

Each member country wants his balls

Fiscal restraint forces , you might say.

But before shutting himself in the dogma of the fiscal austerity , perhaps it would make sense to understand a little better the issues.

First, the famous European budget represents only 1% of the European wealth.

To get an idea , the share of wealth used by the central budget of the federal states is 10 to 20%. The latter percentage is that of the current U.S. federal budget that the substantial increase occurred during the crisis of 1929 when Roosevelt wanted his country out of the Great Depression .

But in Europe, it is the " cultural exception " that prevails ! It was therefore decided to reduce the EU budget crisis period ( more than 6% decrease compared to 2013) to ensure that each nation can regain its " ball " . After all, the European budget , which is supposed to get us out of the crisis and work to 28 countries , is only three times lower than the budget required to operate the France ! What are we complaining ?

Where are the national ambitions for Europe?

Some would argue that , after all, these are the states remain responsible for social policy , education , foreign policy , defense . And therefore it is normal that their budget is incommensurate with that of Europe . In other words : " Given what is Europe , it would increase the height of the budget! " From this perspective, the rallying of all governments and the European Parliament in the budgetary position of Britain's David Cameron and the Dutch nation can almost look decent ...

If , in fact, some consider the draft European Union provides no added value to the role of states , it makes sense that one can not claim a substantial increase in its budget. As for the idea - enshrined in the treaties - the use of community resources to properly feed the EU budget, it becomes totally absurd result .

From this perspective , the European project was not intended to achieve the effective recognition of the fundamental rights of all Europeans - including economic and social - in other words, to update the idea of ​​a post- nationalist European democracy . Such an understanding of the European project obviously impose European nations to give up their economic and fiscal war but also to develop solidarity mechanisms to recover, among other things, macro- economic imbalances.

In summary, if all European countries agree on the British European project that has at least the merit of its own consistency , then the budget that was just passed is equal to its non-political ambition.

Europe must be a political engine, not a cog of globalization

And we might even say that it is perfectly in line with the presumption of moral superiority of the British rulers who did not bother to bind to the Charter of Fundamental Rights ( " infested " economic and social rights) to ensure the application of universal human rights to their citizens . It is not a coincidence that Mr. Cameron regularly takes to the " interference" of the European Court of Human Rights in its internal affairs ...

In other words, if the purpose of the European Union project is simply to secure global competition without trying to regulate on the basis of democratic demands proclaimed by treaties - including that of equality - then we must recognize that everything fits together : the British rebate imposed by Thatcher and other discounts nations who know how to impose and , of course , the overall budget cap of 1.23 % of EU wealth declared in the late 80s in the name budgetary discipline and inserted in the Treaty of Maastricht.

Therefore, if one is interested in the genealogy of the EU budget, it is noted that the European leaders in recent decades saw the simple accessory of national policies without considering as an engine of European policies ambitious ...

This denial of the EU political project that reflects the thinness of the EU budget is even more obvious that the rule of unanimity within the body representing the states ( the Board ) is the best way to hinder increase both its power and its resources by independent nations.

Therefore useless to try to understand why Europe does not make policy and why it often appears as a cog of globalization ...


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