
Featured 1

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 2

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 3

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 4

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Featured 5

Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


There a year, she was only 22 but a magazine spring already elected " most desirable woman in the world" . Jennifer Lawrence, the poster for " The Hunger Games , the conflagration " (but also increased the prices and praise in other registers including the "Happiness Therapy" won an Oscar ) are ablaze in fact not only creative directors but also raises what this new aspect of science fiction movie is supposed to denounce his eyes : voyeurism .

A game it ready yet again if we judge by his shoots for GQ and Egostatic where , affecting pouts of savage , the actress takes lascivious poses in swimwear . Pretext to exhibit plump forms of normal young girl who is certainly not foreign to his success with a male audience , even relatively cinephile - phage. Plastic suggesting a voluptuous softness and relative contrasts with a seemingly well tempered character in a male-dominated childhood spent on the basketball court or hockey. 
However , criticizing in an interview with Le Figaro that time when suffering without compassion via YouTube or the news channels are scrutinized , Jennifer Lawrence loose something like a personal injury:

We look at the women on the red carpet. It is said of them that they are fat, ugly , poorly capped or badly dressed . "

And it is true that it has had its share , Lawrence. But these spikes are crushed by trucks laudatory descriptions of where we dwell on her curves , of course, but also the fire that devours its look, oblivious to his new colleagues chambering showbiz Courage ( what does s' is not private at a "Saturday Night Live" pre - Oscars memorable ) and a talent that has hitherto preserved excesses of her peers to cling to the ranks of the celebrity . It throws a stone in the garden of Miley Cyrus and his " Wrecking Ball" scandalous by running:

Twerker with a dwarf ? I'm not ready to use all means possible. "


Kim Kardashian, we love it or hate it but love it, it compensates. Proof number one: the proliferation of self-portraits, preferably smartphone, made ​​by Mrs. Kanye West. So-called "selfies" post it on his Instagram account to Stakhanov pace. And we must believe that there is a request: it is followed by more than 11.5 million subscribers. And vocational high this digital narcissism, she gives us her secrets in a video ... it is not carried out itself. It was nice never be better served than by yourself, it does not have four arms.

If she says that we should not make "duck face", ie a duckbill, Kim Kardashian can not resist simper, mouth pursed, in this demonstration. And admits she loves to be well worth his cheekbones.


Nearly two years after the abrupt end of the site Kim Dotcom , Megaupload, twenty streaming sites will be closed in France . Unions of producers and distributors of films obtained , Thursday, Nov. 28 , the justice ordered the internet service providers and search engines to block these sites.

The Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris held that the film industry showed enough that Allostreaming network is " dedicated or virtually dedicated to the representation of audiovisual works without the consent of authors " and violates their rights. " Le Nouvel Observateur" reports on the victory of right holders .

Who complained ?

The Association of Film Producers (APF) , the National Federation of Film Distributors ( FNDF ) and the Union of Publishers of Digital Video ( SEVN ) launched in late 2011 this vast judicial offensive against piracy on the Internet. They were later joined by the Union of Film Producers (UPF) and the Union of Independent Producers ( SPI) .

The court refused to order measures of financial strain , insofar as it can be consulted again " in case of difficulty or failure by a party to the proceeding ." Closed streaming sites do not have to pay fines.

What are the streaming sites affected?

According to the specialized site PCInpact , here is the list of the sites : and children. org and net and . tv and nephews . org and net and . tv
The measures provided by the judgment must be applied "without delay and at the latest within 15 days after service of this decision and for a period of 12 months from the implementation of measures."

How do you block a streaming site ?

Rightholders wanted " to weigh these measures on the shoulders of Internet service providers and engines ." They were eventually rejected , reveals specialized site PCInpact , who published in 2011 the court subpoena .

Judgment is to access Orange , Bouygues Telecom, Numericable , Free, SFR and Darty Telecom to " implement and / or suppliers to implement (...) all appropriate measures to prevent , from the French territory ( ... ) access by any effective means, including by blocking " of a range of sites as Allostreaming , Alloshowtv , Fifostream and Dpstream and their variations .

Search engines of Google, Microsoft , Yahoo! and Orange , the court ordered " take or cause to take all necessary measures to prevent their services on the occurrence of any reply and any results referring to one of the pages " these sites.

The cost of these measures "can not be charged to the defendants [Access and search engines Suppliers , Ed] that are required to implement " , the judges ruled .

It will be their " seek , if they wish , paying their fees from applicants in the proceeding ( organizations representing rightsholders , Ed) , given the measures actually taken and expenses incurred specifically for application of their injunctions are made . "

Is it a victory against piracy?

It is " a milestone in the fight against film piracy on the Internet," praised the film industry organizations in a statement , noting that the decision " recognizes the merits of the approach forcing ISPs to internet and search engines to cooperate with law " holders.

" This is a world first as regards the delisting pirate websites by search engines and a crucial step towards the rule of law on the Internet," they added .

Contacted by AFP , Google did not want to react immediately, while Orange said he was " satisfied with this decision."

" The blocking measures have not been delegated by a judge to anyone , it is up to him to decide " and " costs ( induced by blocking) are borne by the applicants " has highlighted a spokesman for Orange AFP.

" This judgment has once again endorse the forms of private censorship that grow all over the Internet and undermine fundamental rights ," lamented his side in a statement Félix Tréguer , founding member of La Quadrature du Net , organizing advocacy Internet users.

And after ?

The situation of these streaming sites recalls the closure of Megaupload and arrest of Kim Dotcom in January 2012. More than 90% of the 15 million French Internet users who used the site then said they would continue to download despite the end of Megaupload, highlighted a survey on site in February 2012.

"Nature abhors a vacuum : for a site that farm, fifteen reopen ," commented Jérémie Zimmermann, spokesman for La Quadrature du Net . It is therefore likely that new sites , first confidential emerge.

This closure could initiate the return to old-fashioned peer-to -peer , punishable by the Hadopi law , or promote sites "direct download" ( direct download , Ed) as . After the fall of Megaupload, peer-to -peer had experienced many peaks to represent 20% of European traffic .

The other winner of the end of these sites could be streaming television. Frustrated users will turn to offers catch-up TV as VOD.

PS4 IN FRANCE: 3, 2, 1 ... GO!

Playstation 4, multifunction game console latest Sony Japanese fate Friday, November 29 in Europe, 15 days after its North American release and a week after that of his rival, the Microsoft Xbox One .

"Kiss your girlfriend one last time ," headlined Thursday on vintage wallpaper background and language of social networks an advertisement suggesting the place of the long winter evenings to come.

In France , only those who have booked in advance could procure from 9 pm Friday in some Parisian stores . 800 additional copies unreserved will however be available later in the day in Paris .

Both consoles have been sold over a million copies in 24 hours on the day of their global launch , according to the two computer giants .

Japanese costs about 75 euros less than its competitor but its introduction to the North American market , however, was marred by a few complaints from consumers who found faults on their machine.

Both game consoles have better graphics and allow greater immersion in games. Tools for online play and share with friends have also been improved .

Neither , however, is compatible with games from previous versions.

Friday, November 29, 2013


Surprise then that we thought thought she had pulled a definitive line music, Victoria Beckham pushes the song again time an unexpected duo! Well almost!

Exit Victoria Beckham to pout ! For some time , the former Spice Girl, who was converted to the successful fashion , trying to break his image unfriendly woman who stuck with him for years . For this, the young woman did not hesitate to post regularly on social networks photos of her in his life everyday . We could discover it a few weeks ago ... the young woman grinning ! A first ! With the approach of Christmas, the stylist did a photo shoot for his brand of ready- to-wear, special photo session for the holiday season, she has unveiled the scenes on his Twitter account.

Again , one can discover the young mother as never seen . Indeed , the designer takes the stage with a yellow bag on his head , in the arms of a giant polar bear, but also with a Barbie doll in his likeness , holding a microphone and Victoria Beckham borrows to carry a tune ! " Finally , I found someone to do a duet on shooting Christmas ," reads a legend . Unfortunately, the single will not be on sale in stores . If Victoria Beckham became known thanks to the Spice Girls , she decided to put a line definitely her singing career . Today , Victoria Beckham no longer sings with her ​​Barbie doll!

Last Vegas New " Movie " Film

Billy, Paddy, Sam and Archie are in their sixties and lead a life without surprise. One of them, the last single to date, is getting married. To celebrate the event, Las Vegas, city of all extravagances, will be the site of a bachelor boy. But old animosities will resurface.

Hunger Games: the burning " MOVIE"

Katniss Everdeen has managed to save his life and that of Peeta Mellark in the last Hunger Games. But the victory is short-lived, and President Snow intends to confuse the young rebel. Katniss will have to fight to prove his love for the young Peeta. Behind the scenes, the rebellion was organized.
Beautiful film really advisable to see

Want To Know How To Deal With Allergies? Read On

By Abbey Deromer

When you are sick, it's harder to concentrate or enjoy your daily activities. Unfortunately, allergy symptoms are akin to cold symptoms, so you can feel sick for weeks at a time! Instead of avoiding social situations due to constant coughing, sneezing or runny nose, learn how to deal with your symptoms effectively.

Allergies from pollen are stronger in the morning and the evening, so if you suffer from nagging allergies, try to remember to keep your windows closed during these times of the day. As enjoyable as the fresh air may be, it will cause you to be miserable from the impact of your allergies.

Make an appointment with an allergist, he can tell you exactly what you are allergic to, and then you will be able to stay away from the things that are bothering you. Normally, they do these tests with a series of skin tests to see if you have a reaction.

Limit the amount of throw rugs you have around your home. They can gather dust, dirt, pollen, pet dander, and other allergens. If you do have throw rugs around the home, make sure they are washable. You can do this every week when you are cleaning your home.

There are lots of allergy medications available, some are sold over the counter and others are available only with a doctor's prescription. You can buy a small size or ask your physician to give you a sample. In the event one specific product does not resolve your symptoms, you have little money invested and can easily try an alternative.

When you are taking medications for allergies, it is of critical importance that you consult with your doctor and pharmacist about any foods or other drugs that may not interact properly with your medication. The side effects and reactions between drugs can be extreme, so you need to know before you take them if there are any risks associated with consuming other drugs or foods.

When you are under assault from pollen and mold, few things are more intimidating than the idea of mowing your lawn. To reduce the number of spores, and allergens stirred up by your lawnmower. Use a water hose to slightly dampen grass beforehand. You may end up working harder to get the job done, but almost anything is better than an attack of allergy symptoms.

To escape the symptoms of allergies quicker, change your clothes and take a shower after being outside. All kinds of allergy triggers remain in hair, on skin and clothing long after you've come inside, so scrub them off, shampoo them out and toss the exposed clothing in a place where you won't breathe back the allergen particulates.

To minimize dust in your environment, clean with microfiber cloths, mop heads, and other tools. Unlike cotton cloths, microfiber cleaning cloths have a slight electrostatic charge, that enables them to grab onto dust particles. Rather than being spread around the room, dust particles stick tight, maximizing your cleaning power.

One of the symptoms of allergies is called post-nasal drip; if you suffer from sore throats from this, you can use a salt water gargle for instant relief. With your head angled back, swish a concoction of warm water and table salt around your mouth. Doing this will relieve your pain almost instantly.

Try scheduling regular exterminator visits if you have insects and pests. Rodent feces are often a contributor to allergic symptoms. You will be able to breathe better after you have hired an exterminator to rid your home of vermin.

Don't let your allergies take control of your daily life with a nose that is constantly itchy or throat causing problems. There are many different ways to cope with allergies, and it's a very common issue today. Help yourself by remembering the tips in this article, and take control of your symptoms now!

About the Author:

Fashion Advice For Your Needs In Today's World

By Abbey Deromer

Fashion is more than what you look like. It is a state of mind. It is making a statement about yourself without saying a word. When you dress well, you say something fantastic about yourself before you even say anything. If you want to make a stronger statement, keep reading for some smart fashion tips.

If you have thick or very curly hair, using a gel product will help you to create the style you desire. Work the product into towel-dried hair and then style it as you want. You can allow it to dry naturally, or use a hair drier. This is especially helpful in humid weather.

Accessories are your best friend. You can take any old outfit that would be quite boring or plain on its own and dress it up with amazing accessories. Add the perfect necklace or brooch to a little black dress, and you've taken that LBD from average to awesome in two seconds flat.

A simple black blazer is a fantastic addition to any wardrobe. You can use it to dress up almost any outfit. Then, you can remove it if you change to a more casual venue. The color will also match virtually anything in your closet, from jeans to business casual blouses and slacks.

Don't shy away from thrift stores. You may be reluctant to wear used clothing, but keep an open mind. If you don't have much money to spend on a new outfit, your local thrift store could prove perfect. Check out thrift stores regularly. You could end up finding some unique, fashionable additions to your wardrobe.

Do not use sponges to apply your liquid and cream based foundations and blushes. You will lose product in the sponge every time you do. Additionally, the sponge becomes a breeding ground for germs. Instead, use clean fingertips for application, switching fingers or cleaning them between different products or colors.

Sunglasses are a great accessory to add to your outfit in the summertime. But, the kind of sunglasses you make can really make or break your look. If you have a round or large face, larger sunglasses are the way to go. On the other hand, if you have a small face, go with smaller sunglasses.

Avoid mom jeans! Aging is going to happen; however, your fashion sense does not need to age as well; it just needs to evolve. Incorporating extra, unnecessary denim, does nothing for your look. The key is to have jeans that fit at the waist, and accent areas that you are proud of.

Are you in need of a new pair of pants or jeans? There are a variety of styles and colors to choose from. This can make anyone a little nervous. When it doubt, go with old favorites, like a straight leg cut. You will get a lot of wear out of them, and it should flatter your body type.

Keep your clothing after it goes out of style. Clothes come in and out of style very quickly. You can also have them to share with your children for their retro day at school or for Halloween. There are many uses that you will find from the clothes that you keep over the years.

Pick top or bottom to accentuate sexily, but never both. The line between looking sexy and looking trashy can be very thin; however, this rule of thumb should suffice. When you accentuate your upper or lower body, keep the other half stylish, yet conservative. Bear in mind, this rule applies to men or women.

Buy the right size clothing. Too many women wear shirts, skirts, and even bras that are too tight. This is very unflattering. Buying clothing that fits right will have you looking your best. It will also allow you to breathe and be comfortable in what you're wearing. Part of being fashionable is being at ease with your choices.

Use the tips in this article to cultivate your style. That way, you can walk into any room and command it. You will be able to make a concise statement about the kind of person you are before you even begin to speak. Let the information in this article help you create that mystique.

About the Author:

Dementia Life Expectancy

By Jack Morgan

Dementia is the medical term used to describe a person's declining mental ability. The decline can be serious enough to affect daily living. Dementia is not a particular illness. It is the overall term to refer to a broad range of symptoms.

Dementia life expectancy may vary from person to person as it also varies on the basis of the cause of dementia. The other factors that determine the life expectancy include time of diagnosis and the reason of having dementia. Dementia is considered as an end of life symptom as any individual who has been diagnosed with the disease is at the final stage of his or her life. Thus for some this final stage may be for 10 years while for others it may be longer. Some may even pass out even earlier than 10 years after being diagnosed with dementia.

The average dementia life expectancy for patients with Alzheimer disease is also affected by several factors. A healthy person who has been diagnosed with dementia prior reaching the age of 70 is expected to live for 10 more years. But a person after reaching 90 years is diagnosed with dementia will only live for 4 more years.

Women lived for about 4.6 years after being diagnosed of dementia. On the other hand, men lived for only 4.1 years. Furthermore, people under 70 years of age lived for 10.7 years on average compared to those who were over 90 years of age and lived only for 3.8 years before they died. And patients who were frail at the time of diagnosis didn't live any longer than 3 years. The study concluded that the average life expectancy of a person who was diagnosed with AD or dementia was 4.5 years.

People with dementia in its first stage usually experience changes in thinking and memory like forgetfulness. This can be easily noticed by family members, but a person suffering from such condition might try to hide it by making up stories to fill memory gaps. At this point, the individual may also express annoyance or anger needing memory skills.

The most common causes of dementia in individual between the age of 45 years and 65 years are human immunodeficiency (HIV), Huntington's disease and multiple sclerosis (MS).

At this stage, a person with dementia begins to withdraw further into old memories and become too pre-occupied with these and may totally live to that reality and time. Wandering is also a possibility at this point. When this occurs, it is essential to determine a valid reason like either the individual is searching for something or trying to ease boredom. Also, the language at this time may mainly consist of one syllables like the word yes and no.

Dementia that is generally brought on by brain deprived of nutrients and oxygen as a result of shrinking arteries and strokes. This type of dementia is known as vascular dementia and the average dementia life expectancy for these patients is about five years or less.

The other factors that increases the chances of having dementia includes high blood pressure, multiple strokes and other risks factors as it can shorten the life expectancy of an individual. Thus the dementia life expectancy in a person depends on the causes of the disease and the area of the brain it has affected.

About the Author:


Mariah Carey, Ariana Grande, Rebel Wilson Niall Horan or sent their best wishes to their customers on this day American holiday. Photos and thank flood Instagram and Twitter.

This Thursday, November 28 , is Thanksgiving in the United States and celebrities have not forgotten their fans they spoil of shots taken with the family but they also acknowledge through their tweets.
This is particularly true of Mariah Carey and husband Nick Cannon shared a photo of themselves with their twins Moroccan and Monroe 2 years Scott, being cooked for this American holiday . "Preparations family! Tartepécan # # Thanksgiving @ nickcannon " diva posted on his Instagram account. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt on the other hand , they do not spend the holidays together . The actress always turns his film Australia.

Ariana Grande took the opportunity to tell her fans how much she appreciated their support. If she wrote earlier that " everyone on earth should take a good old pill to relax ," she seems to be much more relaxed since the festivities began . "Happy Thanksgiving my love ... I wish you a wonderful holiday with your families and loved ones . I am so grateful to have you (sic) ," she has said its 11.5 million subscribers .

Actress Rebel Wilson is taken very early by announcing its followers she prepared her body to a huge Thanksgiving meal by offering a long walk. " I prepare my appetite for the feast of Thanksgiving tomorrow," she revealed by publishing a photo of her nature.

Although this tradition is not celebrated in the UK , the British stars have also had a thought for their overseas fans , starting with Niall Horan of One Direction . It is true that the singer of 20 years and the boyband are probably more grateful than ever since their new album Midnight Memories ranked at the top of the UK charts the Guardian newspaper even predicting it could be the opus fastest selling of the year. "Happy Thanksgiving to all! Eat a lot," Niall Horan tweeted to his devoted fans.


Able self-portraits on social networks , Kim Kardashian revealed to Extra its little secrets to make good selfies !

Kim Kardashian is undoubtedly one of the stars who gave their letters of nobility to selfies , his self-portraits that stars regularly posting on social networks . We still remember his scantily dressed photo that had terrified the web last month. Not selfish for a penny, the starlet has decided to share with her fans her little secrets to make the perfect selfie ! " First rule , always keep a little high ," she has revealed in a video posted by Extra. After a brief aside on his face that was not made ​​up, the young mother was then recommended to those who would listen that they should find their best angle and make the most of the surrounding lighting. Last tip : aim the camera up and down and avoid excessive force pout. "No duck face , she said , wrinkling her lips. I love doing it , because it brings out the cheekbones . But it annoys people ."

Recently, Khloé Kardashian, the sister of the bride Kanye West, also shared his talent for self- portrait with the surfers. The young woman gave some tips shooting to obtain a convincing selfie . "You have to bend and turn the unit over, because below , it will do you a double chin , then over, and made ​​the head you want , 'she advised. Kim loves flashes . this is a theory that it maintains today , without flash , she always grumbles , " Oh no , is that it can be removed? ." she wants to see you delete and redo with a flash " . With the Kardashians , the selfies will have no secrets for you!


There are not that Santa aptly beard ... In Hollywood , the trend is back in force , obviously the sexiest guys of the moment the door with relaxation and elegance ... Zoom on Liam Hemsworth canonissimes , Zayn Malik ...

" In men: this production in humans , when it is neither a hair or an eyelash or eyebrow ." This is the definition of " Hair " by Le Petit Robert . From London to LA, at the end of 2013, the hair a huge comeback on the faces of these gentlemen for the best and especially for the style . Stubble , long and carefully overlooked or wrongly , the stars most glam of time proudly displayed this attribute if male .

In the top 10 of these new bearded face obviously Adam Levine of Maroon 5 group leader , which displays for some time a stubble cleverly neat. " The sexiest man in the world " ( according to People magazine) may therefore be emulated ... More classic, but equally chic, discover also in the top 10 : Justin Timberlake, Colin Farrell or Liam Hemsworth , the hero while muscles Hunger Games.

And this trend is also widely adopted by the new generation : Johannes Huebl , Daniel Brühl , Joshua Bowman hero Revenge, Zayn Malik ... It's funny to note that with two , three hairs ( well placed ) all new it boy movie or song become downright more virile .

Finally, special mention for Pierce Brosnan ... Who 60 years displays a sexiness that little twinks 20 years will never have . Is not James Bond wants in the middle!


A bodyguard of Justin Bieber did not hesitate to puncture tires of a photographer , reports TMZ. He had refused to stop following the vehicle of the star.

Bodyguards Justin Bieber definitely have a grudge against the photographers ! After a series of attacks against paparazzi last summer and another not later than the last week in Hawaii, the security service of the star is now accused to be taken to the car of a photographer Wednesday night in Sydney, Australia, where the singer is currently on tour .

A video obtained by TMZ shows indeed a paparazzo following car Justin Bieber and eventually settle down. A bodyguard comes out and asks the photographer to leave. One can clearly hear their animated while the photographer refuses to leave exchange . Then we hear the paparazzi say : " He has given a kick in the door " . A member of the security would have punctured the tires of the photographer, an incident which do not appear on camera , as Justin Bieber is not on any of the images.


This is not the first time that the team of Justin Bieber was involved in an altercation in Australia. TMZ had previously reported that a surfer complained of being attacked by one of his bodyguards for taking photos of the Canadian while the waves.

The star has also caused controversy after making a graffiti on the wall of a hotel in Brisbane. If the owner was delighted , the mayor asked that we repaint over . "The last thing we want is a glorified graffiti , pushing more young people to think it's cool to do," he told the Australian Associated Press. " This may be done on private property but at the sight of all ," said a spokesman for the board.


Taylor Swift did not support the connection between Harry Styles and Kendall Jenner . According to Hollywood Life , the young woman uses her latest conquest Douglas Booth to regain the lead singer of One Direction ...

Taylor Swift has not forgotten her ex-boyfriend , Harry Styles . The young woman is separated from the singer of One Direction in January, after the hectic holiday in the Caribbean. Ten months later , the star would still have feelings for his former conquest and would do anything to make him jealous ! Taylor Swift was particularly annoyed by the recent rapprochement between Harry Styles and Kendall Jenner, half-sister of Kim Kardashian .

So, according to Hollywood Life , the singer decided to turn to flirt with a media personality , Douglas Booth , an actor in the movie Romeo and Juliet Carlo Carlei . " The appointment with Douglas Taylor was essentially to make Harry jealous, and she made sure that everyone is aware of this escapade . Taylor usually try to remain discreet , but for his appointment with Douglas, she deliberately chose a place that would attract attention. she went into one of the most popular pubs in London and she sat in a place visible to all . she wanted her appointment makes headlines because she knew it would make Harry jealous , "reveals a source. Mission accomplished : a few days later, the London getaway Taylor Swift and Douglas Booth were the headlines !


Taylor Swift and Douglas Booth met through a mutual friend , Hailee Steinfeld . The two stars would close at the afterparty of the film Romeo and Juliet and would become very close since . But the young woman wants above all to show Harry Styles she turned the page. " She does not want Harry or someone else thinks she sits in her home waiting for him. Mopes It is not , it has many options and Douglas is one of them. it is currently testing things with Douglas because it is beautiful and it's a fun distraction , "concludes the informer. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Just arrived in Australia, Justin Bieber continues his later escapades. The singer has indeed been seen in a striptease club in Sydney, a few hours after his concert in Brisbane ...

What is happening in Australia remains Australia. Or not . Currently touring the Australian continent , Justin Bieber multiplies disappointments. So , after talking to him for having tagged the walls of his hotel - as it had done a few days earlier in Brazil - Canadian singer was spotted leaving a club striptease - almost like in Brazil, where he visited a brothel. In short, Justin Bieber is definitely subscriber controversies !

According to several sources , the young man was seen at the output of the Bada Bing establishment in Sydney in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday . "The club was closed specially for him and he stayed there until 4:30 in the morning ," reported the Australian Nine MSN website .

This night out was held after his concert in Brisbane. Box striptease has , meanwhile , confirmed the presence of the singer 's premises. " Bada Bing Bieber fever after hosting the music star Justin Bieber after his huge concert at the Brisbane Entertainment Center " can be read on the website of the institution. " After completing his concert, the pop star took a private flight to Sydney, before being taken directly to Kings Cross for fun in the single Bada Bing Nightspot where 35 strippers beautiful work ! , "the site. Customers from Bada Bing also entrusted on Twitter have seen the singer in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday ...


Star big heart, Rihanna has teamed up with UNICEF and did not hesitate to get out his checkbook to help victims of Typhoon Haiyan ...

After the buzz it a few days ago with a photo where you could see her naked astride a rapper , Rihanna is again talking about her. But this time it 's for a good cause! Indeed , the singer decided to assist victims of Typhoon Haiyan which hit the Philippines in early November. For this, the interpreter Diamonds decided to join UNICEF and donate them the sum of one hundred thousand dollars to help the victims. The singer has also issued a press release to educate its fans to this cause.

" Disasters make headlines , but once the cameras parts , we must continue to fight , said the American singer . As qu'admiratrice and fan of the work done by UNICEF over the years , c ' is an honor for me to associate myself with them to help children affected by Typhoon Haiyan . More than 5 million children in the Philippines need our help. UNICEF is there for them today Today, and in the future will have to accompany them , just like me . " A nice gesture from Rihanna for some time often made the headlines for his extravagant clothing as well as financial .


Surprised by photographers leaving a restaurant, Ashton Kutcher has done everything to keep them away from his girlfriend Mila Kunis . The couple would they have something to hide ?

It's official: after two years of wrestling , Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are officially divorced. Separated since 2011 , the two actors have managed to find an area of ​​agreement regarding the distribution of their property. Now that his divorce with actress has been finalized, Ashton Kutcher will be able to pass the ring finger to his girlfriend , Mila Kunis, who shares his life since 2012 . Indeed, it is rumored that the two lovebirds now consider getting married and even start a family. Moreover, according to TMZ , the star of Black Swan might already be pregnant ...

The U.S. site has posted a video where you can see the two actors in the output of a surprised by photographers restaurant. The hero of Uncle Charlie immediately jumped on to the paparazzi away from her companion, whom she fled. Mila Kunis has joined her boyfriend a few seconds later , discreetly . The young woman exited the vehicle of one of the partners of the actor to rush into the Ashton Kutcher car. The two actors would they try to hide something like a happy event ? The attitude of the couple became suspicious of journalists who point out that TMZ pictures of Mila Kunis Pregnant sell at exorbitant prices . The U.S. site has he been right ? To be continued ...

Facebook is testing a function "Read Later" !!

Facebook wants you to be interested more in the news ... preferably on Facebook . The social network is testing a feature that would allow users to save links to read later , as revealed by the specialized site Allthings D. This strongly suggests the new app for smartphones or Pocket Instapaper .

"We constantly test new features , but we have nothing to say about it for now ," said a spokesman for Facebook to Allthings D.

Blog MyTechSkool has obtained screenshots. The idea is simple: when you see a link shared by your network , you can click a small icon bookmarking located on the right side. The article is added in your list of saved links. According to Techcrunch , the function is currently available in a handful of Facebook users. It is not yet known whether it will be extended to all members, or if it is available offline.

This is the second time that Facebook is testing a function "read later" . The first case appeared in versions of the app for iPhone and iPad in 2012.

Facebook does not make a secret of his plan to highlight the news on its website. Mark Zuckerberg , founder and CEO of the social network said earlier this year : " We want to give everyone the best possible personalized newspapers ." According to the " Wall Street Journal ," Facebook is also in the process of designing its own news reader .


A week after its rival, the Xbox One, the Playstation 4 is about to land in France, Friday, Nov. 29. Eagerly awaited by gamers, especially in France, the console fits in the line of its big brother, the PS3. To place under the tree, it has arguments like the social aspect. Details of Jim Ryan, president of Playstation Europe. Interview.
At the end of the year, two video game consoles come to market . Why a player should choose yours?

- We have learned from the launch of the PS3, which had arrived a little late and a little too expensive. We said we would not do that. So the PS4 comes at the right time and the right price. While the European economy is in bad shape and limited especially for younger budgets , we have established good introductory price : 399 euros . This is certainly a price more attractive than 499 euros [ the price of the Xbox One , Ed] .

Furthermore , we observed how people live their social life so connected , via Facebook , YouTube, etc. . We have integrated this dimension in the gaming experience A Share button is now on the joystick. Pressure on it to send the last 15 minutes on social networks . You can see what and how playing with friends, and vice versa. This social aspect of the game is very important, and it is an incredible novelty of the PS4 .

Finally, games . Between launch and Christmas , there will be 34 games for Playstation 4. This is the largest number of sets of all launches.

Nevertheless Xbox One will have more exclusive games at launch ...

- We have many exclusive games, especially indie games [ download online , Ed] . And deal with our competitor , we believe that our catalog is really powerful .

What is the must have game for the PS4 ?

- It depends on your tastes . For football, there is " Fifa 14" . For racing , there is "Need for Speed ​​" and " Driveclub " . For shooting, there is " Killzone ", " Battlefield " and " Call of Duty" . Among the 34 games, there is the choice ...

What do you suggest in addition to video game?

- The Playstation 4 also features entertainment services such as video on demand [ VOD ] , listening to music, etc. . All services will be transferred to the PS3 PS4 .
PS1 had a CD player, a DVD player, PS2 , PS3 Blu- Ray player. PS4 arrives without new media. Is not a lack ?

- This is mostly because there was no new format. Well, not quite . Playstation 4 is compatible with the 4K image [ ultra high-definition resolution of 3840 x 2160 , Ed] . This format will gradually impose on games and Blu -Ray. We can say that the PS4 is future proof .

Last year , Sony bought the streaming service and rental of video games Gaikai . Game rentals will she arrive on Playstation 4 ?

- We have not yet decided which model will be offered to players , whether it will hire games or something else. A streaming service will begin in the United States in 2014 , but we do not yet know what it is for Europe. It is a bit more complicated in terms of broadcasting rights , especially as negotiations are different between countries . We are working on it , but we have nothing to announce at this time.

What role does the Playstation Vita handheld console with the arrival of the PS4 ?

- All PS4 games will be played on the screen of the PlayStation Vita using Remote Play. For example, if I'm playing but you want to watch TV , no problem I can continue my game on my Vita. For this, we use some technology Gaikai . The idea is to provide players with a unique ecosystem Playstation .

What do you expect the launch of the new Playstation ?

- We intend to sell 5 million consoles worldwide by the end of March. This is the most important number on which we expect to launch . But the main thing is to make gamers happy , and establish a global excitation time around our console.

Hope you meet the same success for the Playstation 2, which has sold over 150 million units ?

- [ Laughs] We expect a success, but the PS2 has been phenomenal. It still sells ! But who can predict ... Me, I can not. We have a lot of hope that the PS4 is a huge success , from there to reach that of the PS2, we'll see ...

Have you started thinking about the next-generation console , the Playstation 5 ?

- [ Laughs] We did not even launched the PS4 ! Of course , we always have in mind the next step , but we're already thinking about what will become the PS4 . I did not alas surprise to today's announcement ... 


Unions of producers and distributors of movies got Thursday that justice orders to ISPs and search engines to block streaming sites , according to a decision of the tribunal de grande instance of Paris , seen by AFP.

The court ruled that the film industry showed enough that Allostreaming network is " dedicated or virtually dedicated to the representation of audiovisual works without the consent of authors " and violates their rights.

The association of film producers (APF) , the National Federation of Film Distributors ( FNDF ) and the Union of Publishers of Digital Video ( SEVN ) had launched in late 2011 this vast judicial offensive against piracy on the Internet.

They were then joined by the Union of Film Producers (UPF) and the Union of Independent Producers ( SPI) . After many adventures, the court ruled in the interim proceedings , in principle an emergency procedure .

Judgment is to access Orange , Bouygues Telecom, Numericable , Free, SFR and Darty Telecom to " implement and / or suppliers to implement (...) all appropriate measures to prevent , from the French territory ( ... ) access by any effective means, including by blocking " of a range of sites as Allostreaming , Alloshowtv , Fifostream and Dpstream and their variations .

Search engines of Google, Microsoft , Yahoo ! and Orange , the court ordered " take or cause to take all necessary measures to prevent their services on the occurrence of any reply and any results referring to one of the pages " of these sites.

Lower unemployment: "Holland can win his bet"

" The reversal of the trend in unemployment is started " : the announcement of the figures for October , which recorded a decline of 20,500 jobseekers , Michel Sapin is pleased François Hollande poised to win his bet for employment. Marion Cochard , an economist at the French Economic Observatory ( OFCE ) prefer to qualify the good news , seeing instead a tendency to ... stabilization. Interview.

On October , Pôle Emploi fell by 20,500 job seekers Class Is this a surprise?

- Not so much . We knew that the government aimed to reverse the trend in unemployment by the end of the year. With the arrangements put in place, including subsidized jobs were expected to stabilize the number of unemployed .

François Hollande would be poised to win the challenge of reversing the trend in unemployment by the end of the year ?

- First, it should be noted that the monthly figures are volatile. Rather we must look at the numbers of two or three consecutive months. In recent months , the trend is a continued deterioration in private employment , offset by a rise in subsidized jobs . This acceleration of subsidized jobs at the end of the year was desired by the government. In the coming months we can expect to have, alternately rising and months of months of decline , which in fact reflects a stabilization in the number of unemployed. In this sense, it is possible that François Hollande takes his bet.

Should we rejoice in these numbers?

- There is good news and bad news . The decrease in unemployed category A is of course good news. But if we look at the figures in detail , there is a sharp rise in unemployed category B and C , which are job seekers who have worked a few hours during the month . In other words, it is the CSD and interims . And if you take all three categories , there is an increase of nearly 40,000 job seekers . Porosity between different categories increases , reflecting an increase in precarious labor market. More and more deals are for short jobs, and 70 % of new hires are on contracts of less than one month. Over the coming months , we can expect to see people oscillate between the different categories .

Can we still talk about lower unemployment ?

- Yes, because if we take the unemployed definition of the International Labour Office , are only those who have not worked at all during the past month. In this sense, France actually experienced a decline in unemployment in October.

What explains this decline ?

- There are three explanations. First, some of the unemployed Class A found small time jobs , and thus became Class B or C. There is also the strong acceleration of supported employment . Finally , it is interesting to look at the surge in unemployed category D , which concerns people contract reclassification transition or security professional , who are accompanying measures following , including redundancies and social plans.

These people are not considered unemployed in category A, but may become at the end of their contracts. Hollow , so we see that we destroyed fewer jobs CSD and interim but we continue to destroy CDI . All this leads to still qualify the next " good news."

The Ministry of Labour points out that if we take the average of the last three months, there is a decrease of 3,500 job seekers per month. Is this an appropriate way to interpret the numbers?

- Yes, look at the figures over time is relevant. However, it should still see reported in nearly 3.3 million unemployed , a decrease of 3,500 per month, is zero.

Prostitution: the bill that divided the parties

Scope jointly by two deputies PS and UMP parliamentary inspired by two successive reports with similar conclusions , one would have thought that the bill on criminalizing clients of prostitutes would consensus among policy . This was without counting on the dose of affect that surfaced when trying to legislate " the oldest profession in the world."

In the Assembly , where we look at the issue from Friday, November 29 , most political groups are divided and struggling to adopt a common position. Only the Left Front, satisfied with social support measures prostitutes , text vote unanimously . This is the subject unleashes even more individual passions he has never really been at the heart of the collective thinking of political parties.

" Ranger France in the camp of the most modern countries in the world "

At the heart of the bill : the criminalization of clients, punishable by a fine of up to € 1,500 , doubled in case of recidivism. For the Socialist deputy for Paris Pascal Cherki , " it is interesting to reverse the perspective and consider the case of the client. The idea is to discourage , to reduce demand and dry prostitution ." And if he says he was " rather skeptical at first ," because " generally not in favor of prohibitionist policies ," the elected vote the law, as the majority of parliamentarians PS . "For even when we talk about human trafficking ," he explains .

And this is where the main argument of the defenders of the law . " Prostitution is violence and certainly not freedom in the vast majority of cases, it belongs to human trafficking , organized criminal networks " says Nicole Ameline , MP UMP supports the bill Calvados. Also President of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women UN eluted think that "the law will have an educational effect , empowering customers vis-à- vis these networks, " arguing that it " would rank France in the camp of the most modern countries in the world . "

"It is not the legislature to decide what each does his body "

But Nicole Ameline will work hard to convince skeptics of his political family , like the UMP Channel , Philippe Gosselin, who is preparing to vote against the proposal. Conceding that " no one can be satisfied with the current situation," the elect believes that the text " is too angelic when he assumes that the abolitionist position will solve everything ." And if the Member does not preclude finally " opt for abstention [ as should the majority of UMP deputies , Ed] if the arguments are convincing ," he feared that " the criminalization of prostitution makes the customer less visible" , and therefore less controllable . Shared by the Green MP Christophe du Gard Cavard position . " This bill is next to the plate [...] It will simply push prostitutes to place themselves outside of the city, and exercise in riskier areas at the shelter looks . "

Barbara Pompili , co- chair of the group Europe Ecology - Greens to the Assembly, for its part says that the bill " makes uncomfortable because it considers prostitution comes down to the issue of trafficking in human beings. this is a more complex issue , which sometimes depends on the free choice of individuals or economic constraints. [...] is it the role of the legislator to decide what everyone wants to do with her body ? Personally I do not think so . " And if elected says that this is a " personal opinion " , it also states that it " reflects the position of the majority of the group ."

" On such a subject, everyone has something to say "

However, most members agree , with varying nuances, the text arrived too early in the Assembly, no real preparation. Philippe Gosselin explains that " lack of statistical arguments , or a real impact study. [...] The report fell there only a few weeks and presto, the bill has already been discussed. It would probably deserved to wait a bit . " The parliamentary UMP, this unpreparedness is the origin of " bursting traditional divisions , especially since it is on a passionate subject on which everyone has something to say."

Nicole Ameline, however favorable the law says also that "it is a complex law and some aspects may be inadequately prepared , as illustrated coaster administratively filtering sites hosting advertisements prostitutes [ including in the bill but canceled by a government amendment , Ed] . " And the Socialist Pascal Cherki defend freedom of vote of its fellow members . "There are laws that come close debate, but there it is only open for marriage had been discussed long time . on prostitution , there has been no in-depth and in fact can not tell parliamentarians ' it's like that , vote! " .

But on condition of anonymity , other parliamentarians point out another problem: the timing. So the member of the majority , which is "very bothered by this bill , it is not the time . We often hear that the left in power deals only whores and homos . Though this accusation is vile and must be fought , it must still pay attention to the signals that are given , especially during crisis and unemployment "

California's Top Universities: California State University San Marcos

By Vince Garcia

There's a lot to be said about California State University. At a first glance, you'd get the view of white modern buildings bordered by lush green gardens and high-reaching palm trees. The entrance faade is very astonishing with big contemporary buildings and wide stairs to go up. You'd immediately get the university feeling at the place, just like in the movies.

It's a whole other story when you stay here. This is probably one of the easiest to adapt to especially if you're just fresh from high school. At your first day, the university personnel the professors and the student organization will greet and orient you about the campus. Bearing that this is not at all big in terms of size, you'll be able to familiarize yourself of the place in no time.

The class size dances around 30 students. You obtain most out from your tuition by this specific fact alone. You'd have a far more customized instruction as you get to know your professors very well. They are pretty keen to enhance and develop your abilities, whichever program you're in. It also never hurts that you don't have to essentially give up a body organ in order to cover the bills. They have an index of educational funding programs that you can sign up for, just to help you manage your fees. I tell you, completing university without being tied to student loans is the most important thing you have to bear in mind.

Found on the boundaries of an urban city, California State University San Marcos is the perfect area for students who would like to get out of their houses. The residential amenities there really are first-class, having spotless bedrooms and big enough for a small party. It's extremely commuter-friendly. You are able to get on the Sprinter Train and this will bring you to the seaside, shopping centers, bowling alleys, cinemas plus a quantity of varied cuisines all over town.

Another highlight of this university is the Greek society. Honestly, it just totally stomps all the Greek life in other universities. It is the perfect way to meet new people and expand your horizons. They are all very welcoming to new and old students alike and prides itself in being a promoter of fellowship, leadership and service. There are also other teams and organizations that you could join. I tell you, this is a sure-fire way to add flavor to your campus life.

Whether you like a genuine learning voyage or maybe come with an active social life, here is the university that offers just that. You receive the most from what you've paid for- plus more!

About the Author:

Getting Sunless Tans Without The Detrimental Effects Of UV Rays

By Haywood Hunter

Sunbathing and lying under tanning beds have been known to cause skin cancer and other skin problems. However, since the invention of tanning lotions, getting sunless tans came to be much easier. There are still some misconceptions about these products that have to be corrected. If you want to sport the perfect tan, then you should be open to learning more about it.

There are numerous forms of tanning products you can purchase. Ultimately, there is truly just one active component that creates that bronzing result. It is referred to as dihydroxyacetone. This particular element functions on the external layer of the skin, which is primarily made up of old skin debris. Upon application, the protein in lifeless tissues wind up turning brown.

This creates a total visual result. Dihydroxyacetone is in fact authorized by the Food and Drug Association, which implies its safety. Additionally, because it acts merely on lifeless tissues, it won't have any systemic impact on your body.

After making use of self tanners, you may generally maintain your shade until around a week. You won't have to delay for several weeks in order to flaunt your skin tone. In a few minutes, you could have your preferred tone. Most of these creams may also be applied concurrently with sun screen. By doing this, it is possible to have skin defense along with a tanned appearance.

With respect to your personal taste, you can easily try the cream solely on certain parts of your body. In contrast, if you stress about tan lines, you could opt to apply it smoothly all over your body to establish a natural effect.

In conclusion, you will discover an abundance of products in the marketplace that will permit you to get sunless tans conveniently. Now, you can confidently uncover your skin without being concerned about the damaging influences of UV rays.

About the Author:

Key Details About Hempz Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Hempz Body Care is the name of the company that utilized pure organic hemp seed oil in its products. This oil is known for being a rich source of essential fatty acids. It also provides vitamins that protect and condition skin. Hempz lotion is a well-liked item available in different forms.

Hempz lotions has 100 percent pure hemp seed oil, antioxidants and natural herb extracts. Vitamins C, E and A are included because they have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging characteristics. They are also helpful in providing hydration and nourishment and may protect against oxidants in the environment and nature. Hempz lotion can be used effectively on all skin types. The shea butter and ginseng found in the Hempz lotion formulas minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.

These moisturizing products are known to better the overall condition and health of the skin and prevent any damage resulting from free radicals. The oil found in Hempz lotion has the nine main amino acids, minerals, vitamins and more for ultimate conditioning. Hempz lotion is available in an assortment of scents, including: pomegranate, cucumber and jasmine, citrus blossom, and vanilla plum. Other moisturizers to choose from include original, age defying and hydrosilk herbal body moisturizers.

There is no gluten or parabens found in Hempz lotion products. In fact, it is 100 percent vegan and includes no THC drug. Those who want to purchase such products may search for distributors and salons in their area using the search function on the official Hempz website. Remember that prices for the Hempz lotion will differ based on retailer and other such factors.

Like Hempz lotion products, herbal body butters available by the manufacturer help quickly soothe, rehydrate and nourish skin. The products feature jojoba oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, shea butter and hemp seed oil. These are ideal ingredients for conditioning and moisturizing skin, especially when it is very dry.

The ingredients list features many natural elements, but it is still highly suggested that people check that they are not allergic to ingredients in the formulas. To do this, individuals should apply a small amount of product on an area of the body and make sure they do not see any signs of irritation in that area at least 24 hours after application. Results seen from consistent use of Hempz lotion will differ. The people who may see the most change are those who struggle with aging or dry skin.

The appearance of skin is a good indicator of overall health and beauty. Individuals that do not care for their skin may find that they feel rough, dull and unattractive. The formulas used in Hempz lotion are designed to rejuvenate this bodily organ.

Hemp has long been used to construct things, such as rope, paper, medicine, and sails. In the eco-conscious world of today, this natural product is prevalent. It is a main ingredient in many body care products, as well as food, textiles, biodiesel fuel and clothing. This is also a renewable resource that can fully harvest in 120 days without pesticides or fertilizers. Hempz lotion is just one of the many body care products available through Hempz that is enriched with pure and natural hemp seed oil.

About the Author:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


A surprise for Prince William on Tuesday night as he held as every year his charity gala . Indeed, he found himself on stage surrounded by two of the biggest stars of American country !

Great moment of anthology Tuesday night at Kensington Palace for people who came to see the Winter Whites Gala. Indeed Prince William , who played the host , gave himself more than he had probably imagined. What was the surprise of the 600 spectators who saw and the heir to the British crown on stage singing a trio with Jon Bon Jovi and Taylor Swift on the song Livin ' on a prayer , revisited for the occasion in acoustic version !

The Duke of Cambridge met the artists at a reception held a few hours before the beginning of the ceremony and obviously the current is passed between the three since Bon Jovi invited William to go on stage , which did not accept that after insisting that Taylor Swift accompanies it.

Deeply moved , the singer who turns 24 next month has also finished giving a speech to his host : " Prince William , I must thank you for inviting me What you do to draw attention . younger for such a cause is truly extraordinary . " Other stars such as James Blunt and Tinie Tempah also delivered a benefit, but only Bon Jovi and Taylor Swift took the honors of his majesty. A new career perspective ? 


Separated! Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will not spend Thanksgiving together. Madame is in Australia with six children while Brad will only Los Angeles. Blow !

In recent weeks, the actress of 38 years , Angelina Jolie is in Australia to shoot his new film Unbroken . She plays in this feature film alongside Garrett Hedlund . The theatrical release is scheduled for January 21, 2015 but the team is already busy . This project is in the heart of Angelina Jolie because it is she who realizes. So it is impossible to escape the shooting a few days to see her man , Brad.

However, it was out of the question she does not see her toddler for months. She can handle the distance with her boyfriend but not its descendants. Not be too far from his six children so Angie took them in his luggage. Supported by a team of " nanny " , actress and can relax with Shiloh , Maddox , Pax , Zahara , Vivienne and Knox.

So, for the Thanksgiving holiday , the couple Angelina - Brad will be separated . Angie wants to keep her children with her while Brad morfondra in sunny Los Angeles. This is sad. Angelina 's father , John Voight also remains on the sidelines and he said he was very disappointed not to be able to spend this holiday with his family. Brad will be able to read and reread the script of Fury , the new film he turns and refine the implementation of Twelve Years a Slave , which is due out January 22, 2014 . Busy , the couple away gradually. Is marriage still relevant ? Not sure.


Two years ! This is the time it took for the divorce of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher is finalized. Two years after their breakup , the two actors are officially divorced.

Two years after their separation, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are finally officially divorced ! Indeed, the U.S. site TMZ, relayed by the very serious People Magazine reports that the divorce of the two actors is finally finalized. According to TMZ , the judge handling the case filled Tuesday papers that officially put an end to the marriage was celebrated in 2005. Separated since 2011 , Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher have struggled to agree on the distribution of their assets , which amount to over 300 million. " There were lengthy negotiations between their lawyers about a financial agreement , especially around money should Ashton him after their marriage," a source recently told the New York Post . " They finally found common ground , which suited them both ."

If there is one that should welcome the news is Mila Kunis . Couple with Ashton Kutcher since 2012 , the Black Swan actress had urged her beloved to expedite the divorce process . Moreover, the two lovebirds have even planned to go on a trip with friends to celebrate the divorce. " Ashton and Mila are planning a trip in a romantic spa hotel to celebrate the formalization of divorce. They are thrilled that everything is finished ," he told the couple near the British edition of Closer magazine. Now that he is officially divorced, Ashton Kutcher Will he marry Mila Kunis ? It is rumored that the two actors, who are inseparable since they are a couple, are about to get engaged and even consider starting a family as soon as possible ... Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore pouponneront they in 2014 ? To be continued ...


So we said to the brink of collapse , Jennifer Aniston could count on the unexpected support from one of his ex and not just any Brad Pitt !

Unlucky in love one day, unhappy in love forever? In recent weeks, it is rumored that the couple formed by Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux is beating wing . Engaged for over a year now, the two lovebirds have not set a date for their wedding. Worse, Justin Theroux was surprised there a few weeks trying to fool around with a pretty young woman who was not Jennifer Aniston ! If the actress revealed in the series Friends always wears her engagement ring , it is clear that it has not been photographed alongside his baby for several months. While rumors are rife break , Jennifer Aniston can count on the support of his family, and even one of his ex and not just any Brad Pitt.

Indeed, the magazine OK ! reveals that Brad Pitt, who was married to the actress for five years before finally leaving to get into pairs with Angelina Jolie, have picked up his phone to provide support to his ex . "This is the person who knows best in the world. He was feeling bad to see her suffer again ," reports the magazine which states that the hero of World War Z would also exchanged some text messages with his ex to make sure she was okay . This is Angelina Jolie should be delighted to learn it! The actress, who will celebrate Thanksgiving with her six children in Australia, should finally be relieved to have Brad Pitt left alone in Los Angeles ! has unveiled a new video "Feelin 'Myself" along with Miley Cyrus, French Montana and Wiz Khalifa EXCLUSIF