
Wednesday, January 1, 2014


These are a few seconds are controversial in the United States. Beyoncé's new song, "XO", begins with a recorded just after the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger, January 28, 1986 sound. This is intended weak voice of the officer on the ground of NASA, Steve Nesbitt, report a "significant deficiency" as the shuttle just disintegrate. "Flight controllers here looking very Carefully at the position Obviously, a major malfunction "(" Flight controllers analyze closely the situation. clearly, there was a significant deficiency ").
Seven astronauts were killed in the accident , just seconds after taking off from the shuttle.

"We are disappointed to learn that recording day we lost our heroic members of Challenger was used in the XO song ," June Scobee Rodgers said , widow of Commander Dick Scobee , who was aboard Challenger . "The built- track episode is emotionally sensitive to the families of the crew Challenger , colleagues and friends," she said on ABC .

" Debasement " or " tribute "

NASA has meanwhile issued a terse statement in which it believes that " the Challenger accident is an important part of our history. A tragic reminder that space exploration is risky and it should never be overused . "

" The authors of the song have included this soundtrack tribute to the work of the Challenger crew , with the hope that they will never be forgotten " , attempted to defend the singer, forced to explain. " My heart goes out to the families of the missing in the Challenger disaster ," she has said on ABC, adding that " this song was recorded to aid those who have lost loved ones to heal ."

January 28, 1986 , the shuttle Challenger had disintegrated after breaking an O-ring caused by cold , 73 seconds after takeoff , killing the seven astronauts aboard , including a young woman who had was the first teacher in space.


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