
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Greetings from Hollande "Pathétique in style and substance, nothing" !!

In his greetings to the French , Francois Hollande was Tuesday, December 31 once again the "battle for the job " his " only priority " now at the heart of its action, and affirmed its " intransigence " against racism and antisemitism in full Dieudonné case.

The president, who spoke with the background image in the Elysée Palace illuminated at night, the tricolor and European flags on the right, notably announced - is quite unusual in this exercise agreed - a " pact responsibility " for businesses matching " counterparties " .

Key political reactions to the president's statement .

" A president spiel " ==> 

"Less burden for companies , less public spending : I say ' chick ' This change of policy is officially recorded by the President of the Republic, must accompany the opposition ! " Responded the UMP Frederick Lefebvre on France 2 . " It is our duty as our country is in trouble at every opportunity when we can be unitary. (...) Chiche when the president says ' I 'm going to change policy ." Now we must acts and we need the opposition rather than criticizing constantly on a topic like that say ' Let's go .' I listened to what he said , I give him credit (...) but actions must be consistent with the lyrics. "

" I found it pathetic in style and substance , there is a president bullshit " , found much more severely , the UMP MP Nathalie Koscuisko -Morizet , determined to nationalize his campaign for mayor of Paris . " This is a president who talks about lowering taxes and contributed to the increase in two years. This is a president who speaks to simplify the lives of French and did the opposite . "

For the UMP and former President of the National Assembly Bernard Accoyer, " on the occasion of his wishes, Francois Hollande French confessed to the litany of failures in the first 19 months of his presidency ": " He recognized have underestimated the crisis, too raised taxes and expenses of French companies , not having committed the essential decrease of public spending, have repealed the wrong reform of the territorial council . Faced with his chess confession, anxiety for many French , the President has announced that yet another act content and hypothetical benefits. "

" If these wishes were sincere, they were mostly barren ," says his side the deputy secretary general of the UMP Geoffroy Didier . " Hollande is thus displayed as a repeat tonight inertia , proving once again that he prefers dressing reforms and stagnation courage. "

The president of the UMP, Jean- Francois Cope , has it held that " François Hollande had taken the same unfulfilled commitments he had made ​​almost in the same words, a year ago , December 31, 2012 : Inversion curve of unemployment, a return to growth , fiscal stability ... "

" The undeniable increase in unemployment , impoverishment of French asphyxiated by the fiscal and economic stagnation hype would have led yet François Hollande to take note of the failure of his policy and change course. (...) Unfortunately , 2014 reiteration of unfulfilled promises in 2013 condemning our country to the same disappointments. "

" A president who tried to dress her helplessness "

Same reaction center where the President of the UDI , Jean- Louis Borloo, said Tuesday that Hollande had " made ​​the same remarks as December 31, 2012 ": " Unfortunately, the president has made ​​the same remarks that December 31, 2012 , yet unemployment this year to a record high , the housing crisis and the building reached a record level in 30 years , the transition energy including energy efficiency work collapsed for 18 months and the purchasing power of French is lower than our country has seen in 20 years . "

"Even if the president seems to have finally realized the crisis of 2008 he had denied so far , it is today the French Economic and Social cap which is responsible for the current situation of our country , "said Jean- Louis Borloo said in a statement , saying that" the new ' pact responsibility ' is a formula which he has the secret . "

For Yves Jego , CEO of UDI , speaking on iTV , " wishes, wishes is one thing , the reality of what we see on the ground is another ." " Instead, I saw a president who was trying to dress his impotence. When he tells us that the first results are there one wonders where the president has seen results. (...) It was made ​​very clear promises there is a year on the reversal of the trend in unemployment (...) on deficits in our country (...) . I do not see results and we have a president who seems to tell us that he will again. "

" Pathetic ", " President Carambar "

The president of the National Front , Marine Le Pen, it has held that the President "did not measured ( has ) no anger and expectations of French ": " There is something pathetic to see each year the President of the Republic indulge in ritual greetings to French when he has nothing to tell them, " she wrote in a statement , considering that " if av ( have ) nothing to say , is that it vi ( Vait ) more in the same world they are. "

" The vows have become the speech of the Governor of the province France : it releases its traditional platitudes , trying to pass a new slide false promise , but also says nothing about what should be done to really change the France and French situation . "

And president of FN to give appointment the next election : " That the powers that be and his twin UMP ahead to firm up this year to revive the political debate to punish the WSPU , and move the France ! the only vote that will count in 2014, the patriot will vote for the National Front! "

Florian Philippot, vice -president of the FN, " it looks a lot like Chirac or Sarkozy , we find the same phrases, the same tunes , the same inconsistency especially ." " He should talk about the real challenges come , there any concrete result : the VAT increase (...) the complete opening of borders with Romania and Bulgaria Roma therefore , that too is tomorrow. "

" François Hollande " is "the president Carambar " Judge President of the Republic Standing Nicolas Dupont- Aignan . "Tonight the President found that the French were paying too much in taxes , our country awash in public spending, our entrepreneurs could no longer work because of fussy regulations. Funny observation for a president who has it even raised taxes , increased the public expenditure and complicated yet these regulations. "

" This new bad joke ' Carambar ' would actually be very funny if the situation in France was not what it is, if our countrymen did not suffer as much from the crisis in each family. It is time that François Hollande understand it is no longer ' the little jokes sir ' Solferino but it is 19 months since the President of the Republic. "

" Champagne for the CAC 40 , hangover for French "

The wishes of the President obviously did not convinced the leader of the Left Front , Jean- Luc Mélenchon which launched on Twitter, " Holland told The oysters yawn Time to get serious . ! Taaable to "

# Holland spoke . Oysters yawn ! Time to get serious : to Taaable !

- Jean- Luc Mélenchon ! (@ JLMelenchon ) December 31 , 2013
" The motto of the year 2013 could be ' champagne for the CAC 40 , hangover for French " , reacted in the same style, the national secretary of the Left Party François Delapierre . "In 2014, the intentions expressed by François Hollande during his wishes are clear: continue to water the powerful and abusing the people The President touted again a potpourri of neoliberal commonplaces he applied this year ( . . ..) the failure of this policy yet bursting with record levels of unemployment. But this president is ever satisfied especially himself. We have been warned , proponents of austerity we announce a year of combat against the against people and the environment. "

For the national secretary of the PCF , Pierre Laurent "in his vows , Francois Hollande has witnessed no real sensitivity to the plight of French ": " He who claimed in 2013 will ' at all costs to reverse the unemployment curve has . not even mentioned his failure worse, it confirms that perseveres and will not change this policy fails for more than twenty years: less burden for companies to supposedly more jobs We know the result . increasingly low wages, job insecurity and unemployment . "

" The only goal which he says ' personal guarantor ' means less government spending, ie fewer public services of the State, unless public investment by local authorities , less repayments and benefits social Security. (...) All this is sad . and it is not about to resign . the year 2014 will be for us a year of struggles and mobilizations to reconstruct solutions to justice and solidarity expected by the country and obviously presidential politics will bring him more . "

For New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) : "The year 2013 has been the year of the crisis, the explosion of unemployment , insecurity , layoffs , while the scholarship, she has risen far ... but Holland has the nerve to explain that ' the results are slow to appear, but are there ' then that because of his policy and that of his government , the situation of workers and popular classes worsened. Blind and Deaf , he continues to advocate for 2014 a policy of austerity and lower cost of labor , proposing a pact responsibilities undertakings , and advocating unity for the economic destiny of France . Brief circulate currently nothing to do ... unless you are rich or boss! "

The national secretary of Europe Ecologie- Les Verts ( EELV ) Emmanuelle Cosse , it takes "to the word " president who " is committed to the energy transition " in her vows : "The President of the Republic s' is committed to energy transition. Chiche ! We take the word , "wrote the leading environmentalist in a statement. " But not as a work in more This must be a structuring axis of the fight for jobs . Because the energy transition can be a great opportunity to get out of the crisis, to create hundreds of thousands of jobs and the purchasing power by reducing spending constraints. "

" The President's commitment to a pronounced reduction in public spending in order to ' save money everywhere ' is inconceivable that if benefits to households and it results in a fairer and greener overhaul of our tax system . 's start by removing environmentally harmful tax loopholes and large unnecessary projects . "

" Mobilized and courageous, pugnacious and uncompromising "

There are only in the socialist president may find some comfort . The first secretary of the Socialist Party Harlem Désir has held that " the French have seen this [ Tuesday ] night a president mobilized and courageous, determined entirely on its priority , employment, pugnacious and uncompromising defense of the values ​​of the Republic. "

" The President of the French Republic has issued a strong message of mobilization , action and national unity in 2014. Capturing the bulwark against déclinisme , fatalism , and against those who feed them today . " PS " salutes the courage and lucidity of the head of state who did not hide the difficulty of the task nor the efforts required of French , but reiterated his confidence in the productive recovery of France , with a priority absolute employment, to amplify the initial results . " "France now has a president who knows where it goes, that nothing away from its goals and fully assumes its policy. "

For Bertrand Delanoë , Mayor of Paris PS " François Hollande has shown that it knew or difficulties encountered by the French, or the assets they have to overcome the crisis." " By making the cohesion and trust essential conditions for recovery in the justice of our society, he traced a course that anyone can follow , beyond the divisions and oppositions. "

" In his speech tonight , the President showed his love of France and the French ," ruled François Rebsamen , president of Senators PS . " He was able to find the words to express his confidence in themselves and in our country. He gave a speech frankness and lucidity and showed his determination and will to defend the values ​​of our Republic , including secularism and solidarity . in these difficult times , he has to tell the French that their efforts bear fruit and that hope was at the end of the path he had traced . "


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