
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How OSHA Protects You

By Franklin Skribbit

You may have gone into economics or you might have studied political science. The truth is things aren't as black and white or structured as you are made to believe in institutionalized academia. There may be several different paths available. But what do you do after you have finished your degree? Here are some things that you should definitely be doing to make things easier for you in the long run.

OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970) protects the rights of laboratory workers to work in a safe environment. Each professional laboratory is required to adhere to strict guidelines in order to employ laboratory technicians there.

Even before you graduate you should be sending out applications. If that is for your future job prospects or for grad school, it really doesn't matter, you should be looking forward. Another thing that many people have problems with is using the connections they make along the way. Make sure that you are networking and ready to use your network connections to help you through the application process.

Showing Initiative

The other alternative is to make your own way in the web design world. Rather than being hired to create a website for someone else, you can create your own website for whatever purpose you like. This experience looks great on a resume as it shows that you have experience, you take initiative, and you are creative. This can lead to freelancing for other people and then potentially being hired on to work for one business or company.


Just because you got your degree doesn't mean that learning should ever stop. There is too much at stake for that! Make sure that you are taking the time to learn new things every day and start seeking ways to receive advanced certification or skills that can set you apart from your peers.

Employers must also provide access to employee medical and exposure records to employees or their authorized representatives. As stated before they may not discriminate against employees that exercise their OSHA rights.

Your degree may take you overseas, or it may keep you in the same town. Make sure where ever it takes you; it is where you want to go. When you find that things aren't going the direction you want them to, that is when you need to do a course correction and find out where you went off course.

If you are living in Colorado Springs, there is a college perfect for you that has the web training you are looking for - CollegeAmerica.

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