
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hollande back on Twitter and Facebook !!

2014, Hollande is visibly committed to its return on social networks. The Head of State has reactivated Wednesday 1 January his twitter account and facebook account with a message about Georges Vandenbeusch the priest released a month and a half after his abduction in Cameroon, he greeted his arrival in France in the morning same.

Delighted to welcome Father Georges, radiant generosity. But six compatriots are still being held hostage. We have not forgotten, "tweeted the head of state to 18 hours.

Delighted to welcome Father Georges, radiant generosity. But six compatriots are still being held hostage. We do not forget.

- François Hollande (@ fhollande) January 1, 2014
He did the same on his facebook account.
The last tweet Hollande was dated May 18, 2012, three days after his inauguration as President of the Republic. Ditto for his last message on Facebook.
This account is the one he used during his presidential campaign. He had changed his profile after his election on 6 May 2012. On Twitter, the head of state has nearly 568,000 followers. On Facebook, it has more than 425,000 subscribers.


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